Sunday, 13 February 2022

The Garden Wall

 In 2021 our focus was to get as much of the Garden Wall pointed as we could before the Winter Frosts started - it's Lime Mortar so doesn't cope well with the frost.  This is a selection of that project and the Garden itself at the end of the year.  

The roots of the ivy we cut back in 2013 were still in the ground and as you can see needed an assortment of tools to remove them before the wall could be pointed!

The remaining photos are from early September through to New Years Eve




So on to 2022................................. See the new Posts for the next phase of the Garden!

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Open Garden 2021

Shrivenham Open Gardens 2021

I keep telling myself that I must say no when the Church Warden asks every year if we would be prepared to open our garden to help raise funds for the Church.  However, to date I have not managed to do that so once again this year we opened our Garden on 4th July (yes Independence Day if you are reading this in the USA!) and crossed our fingers for good weather. 

The weather forecast suggested showers all day but apart from a light shower at ~1420 the sun shone until 1720 when the heavens opened and we had a torrential downpour for about 10 minutes - thankfully the last person went through the garden at just after 1700 and we were all closed up!

This is how the garden looked on the open day............

There's always next year if you missed it.............