Sunday, 10 May 2020

Garden 2020

The Garden

It's now 10th May and I thought it was about time to put some photos of the garden on the blog.  We are definitely all living in un-precedented times as the COVID-19 pandemic continue to determine how we live our lives  - at this time the UK is still in lockdown but there may be signs of some relaxations BUT it won't be a full return to normal life - who knows when that will be.

So having been home working and living (unless for food shopping or daily exercise) the garden is in reasonable shape so some photos to show the progress of the year thus far.

View from the bottom of the garden looking back towards the house in mid March
Bottom of the garden under the trees, loads of primroses.
Hellebores in full bloom
View as you enter the garden from the courtyard
Looking towards the compost bins
Clematis Montana Pink Perfection starting to grow again  This survived the Sycamore three it used to grown up being cut down last year but it's survived very well.
Japanese Cherry in bloom and growing again - just planted last year.
Taken in early April so tulips and daffodils providing some colour
First Peony Rose in bloom
This rhododendron was in a plastic pot when we moved in 7 years ago and I rescued it - this is the first time it has flowered since!
Tulips coming out around the pond

Tulips along the path
Vegetable bed in the courtyard
Agapanthus on the patio.

Peony Roses 
Yellow roses against the wall before it was re-pointed!

Nepeta, Yellow rose against a Choisya bush
More Peony Roses in front of the vegetable beds - I love these but they are short lived and usually destroyed by heavy rain in England!
The Hollyhocks (alcea) clearly love this bed - their very long tap roots picking up all the correct nutrients for them to grow very tall indeed.

These few photos illustrate our collection of sinks - rather than let them go to landfill we have found them a home and a job - growing annuals over the summer!

View as you enter the garden looking over the pond towards the patio and newly pointed wall!

This Abelia is still in bloom and the bees absolutely love it - despite having a couple of trims over the summer and it's autumn tidy up - it was here when we bought the house so who knows how old it is but still going strong.
Autumn preparations - I do sometimes wish I didn't take on quite so much in one go,  However, this is preparation for a wild flower patch and had to dig up all the grass and existing plants BUT could not just leave it dug up as otherwise local cat would turn it into a toilet!  So covered in wire netting and weeds on top so soil can wash back into the garden before next stage.

Watch this space!  See you next year.............2021 👍

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